Welcome to Graham General Contractors, LLC

GGC has been serving OKC and surrounding areas for over 15 years. Our construction services include ground-up construction, rehabilitation services, and tenant finish construction. Our team consists of a diversified group of experienced individuals in the construction field. When you are looking for a diversified General Contractor who will take a personal interest in your next project, then you are looking for Graham General Contractor, LLC.

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Our Projects

Click on a project picture to see the gallery.

  • All
  • Design-Build
  • Ground Up-Commercial
  • Rehabilitation
  • Tenant Finish

Ground-Up Data Center 2 Description

Ground-Up Data Center 1 Description

Ground-Up Financial Institution Description

Ground-Up Retail 1 Description

Design Build 3 Description

Rehab 2 Description

Ground Up Commercial 2 Description

Ground Up Commercial 1 Description

Tenant Finish 1 Description

Tenant Finish 2 Description

Rehab 1 Description

Selectsystems 2 Description

SelectSystems 1 Description


What our clients say...


President / CEO - True Sky Federal Credit Union

Graham is one of the best strategic partners you could ever have. They work with you through every step of the process, in an open and transparent manner. The value they have added to our company with their experience has been incredible as we doubled the size of our geographic footprint in the OKC Metro market over the last several years, at significantly less cost than their competitors. They were a true partner in every sense of the word and we could not have achieved the success we have experienced without them.

Ryan Johnston

Graham Construction is always my first call and first choice because they have respect for the dollars I am spending. I have not found that to be the case with other contractors. Their planning and communication is second to none and they treat each project as if they’re paying for it with their own money.